Réponse à l’examen des collèges militaires du Canada : la voie du renouvellement

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RMC Alumni Association Presentation to the CMC Review Board

The Royal Military College Alumni Association represents all persons who have attended a program at the CMCs – including thousands of alumni with lived experience of the ROTP. We serve both the alumni – including active-duty CAF members and veterans...

Responding to the CMC Review: Towards Renewal Seven Propositions for Renewal of the Canadian Military Colleges

Summary: The Canadian Military Colleges Review is an opportunity to respond to the issues identified in Recommendations 28 and 29 of the Arbour Report while implementing changes and innovation that preserve the CMCs and enhance their capacity to produce leaders...

Responding to the CMC Review: Towards Renewal – What we learned from Allies and Canadian post-secondary institutions

Summary As part of preparing to engage with the CMC Review Board, we conducted an extensive benchmarking study of military academies in the US, UK, and Australia, as well as Canadian civilian universities. This study identified best practices in program...

Responding to the CMC Review: Towards Renewal – What we heard from our members

Responding to the CMC Review: Towards Renewal What we heard from our members Alumni Survey on the Issues in the Arbour Report In the fall of 2023, the RMCAA surveyed alumni to find out what they thought about the issues...

Le rapport Arbour, la Commission d’examen des collèges militaires canadiens (CECMC) et la stratégie de l’Association des ancien(ne)s des CMR - Démarche

The Arbour Report, the Canadian Military Colleges Review Board (CMCRB), and RMCAA’s Strategy - The Process Where it started: The Arbour Report recommendations Imagine a world where every leader inspires those around them to greatness, no matter the situation. That...

March 2024 Update on Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association activities in response to the Arbour Report

Context: The Canadian Military Colleges’ (CMC) alumni community is keenly aware of reporting that has spotlighted symptoms of a toxic culture within the Canadian Armed Forces(CAF)/ Department of National Defence (DND), particularly around sexual misconduct and suicide.  The Independent External...

Sixième compte rendu sur les activités de l’Association des anciens étudiants et anciennes étudiantes des Collèges militaires royaux en réponse au rapport Arbour

What’s New On Monday, November 20th 2023, the Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Bill Blair, released the second status report of the External Monitor, Jocelyne Therrien, on the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)/Department of National Defence (DND) implementation of the...

Cinquième compte rendu sur les activités de l’Association des anciens étudiants et anciennes étudiantes des Collèges militaires royaux en réponse au rapport Arbour

The Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association (RMCAA) has engaged a team of consultants, led by Genevieve Bonin (Royal Military College, Class of 1993) of Boston Consulting Group (BCG), to support the RMCAA’s efforts to produce an independent, fact-based submission to...

Message de la min. de la DN, du SM et du CEMD : Premier anniversaire du Rapport de l’examen externe indépendant

The Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association (RMCAA) has reviewed the 30 May 2023 message from the Minister of National Defence, Deputy Minister and Chief of the Defence Staff, “One Year after the Independent External Comprehensive Review.”   ( https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/maple-leaf/defence/2023/05/one-year-after-independent-external-comprehensive-review-dnd-caf.html ) The...

Quatrième compte rendu sur les activités de l’Association des ancien(ne)s des CMR du Canada en réponse au rapport Arbour

Since our last update in February (https://www.rmcalumni.ca/en/third-update-on-royal-military-colleges-of-canada-alumni-association-activities-in-response-to-the-arbour-report/ ), the Association has been taking steps to prepare to make a professional and credible submission to the Canadian Military Colleges Review Board. We are pleased to note that the CMC Review Board’s...

Troisième compte rendu sur les activités de l’Association des anciens étudiants et anciennes étudiantes des Collèges militaires royaux du Canada en réponse au rapport Arbour

We will now be providing a regular update on the Alumni Association’s activities in response to the Arbour Report, as we expect the Canadian Military Colleges (CMC) Review Board will be getting underway in 2023 (as noted in the Minister...

Deuxième compte rendu sur les activités de l’Association des anciens étudiants et anciennes étudiantes des Collèges militaires royaux du Canada (Association des ancien[ne]s des CMR) en réponse au rapport Arbour

On December 13th the Minister of National Defence (MND) tabled a Report to Parliament on Culture Change Reforms in response to former Supreme Court Justice Arbour’s recommendations.  The report includes an explanation of how the two recommendations relating to the...