Donor Impact

RRMC Rugby 1987-88

25 Years Later: The re-birth of Royal Roads Military College Rugby

Friday March 6th, 2020 was a beautiful, sunny winter day in Vancouver. On this day, the proud traditions of Royal Roads’ rugby were reborn at the Vancouver Masters’ Rugby Festival. Twelve ex-cadets took to the pitch wearing white jerseys with...

Recreation Clubs aren’t always about athletics

The RMC Foundation supports a variety of Recreational Clubs at the Colleges.  From Sport Parachuting to Debate Club the Recreational Clubs are meant to offer Officer Cadets a much deserved break from their studies to enhance their time here at...
RMC Debate and International Affairs Society in front of tank display

RMC Debate and International Affairs Society Takes Home Honours at Annual Model NATO Conference

During the reading week break, the RMC Debate and International Affairs Society (DIAS) attended the Carleton Model NATO conference in Ottawa. This conference works to simulate the proceedings of NATO councils and committees, while simulating debate and negotiations surrounding important...
RMC Curling Club at the Garrison Curling Club

RMC Curling Club competes at the Garrison Curling Club

The Royal Military College Curling Club has nine Officer Cadet’s comprising two teams competing in the local open league at the Garrison Golf and Curling Club at CFB Kingston.  Every Thursday both teams, known simply as RMC 1 and RMC...

Kilimanjaro Team Honoured at Kingston Branch Luncheon

It was a bright and sunny afternoon on 12 February at the Senior Staff Mess where seven officer cadets and MWO Corneau from the RMC Expedition Club were presented with commemorative coins for their journey to Mount Kilimanjaro in December....

Mottershead Battlefields Tour 2020: an ex-cadet’s perspective

Mottershead Battlefields Tour 2020: an ex-cadet's perspective Also affectionately known as "The Blue Booties Tour." In February of this year, I had the privilege of joining 27 Officer Cadets and 1 Naval Cadet and staff on a whorl-wind tour of...

Member of the Class of 1962 reaches $1 Million in Donations

The Class of 1962 has done it again, adding another classmate to the list of Board of Governor donors (Lifetime donations of $1 million or more).  With this recent donation, the Class now exceeds over $4.8 million in cumulative class...
Chess 2

Le blanc et noir de Saint-Jean Chess Tournament

The Royal Military College Saint-Jean participated in a Chess Tournament on the weekend of the 17th of January 2020. The Royal Military Colleges Foundation generously covered the admission costs for the officer cadets. Thanks to the RMC Foundation, we were...
CMR Quebec4

RMC Saint-Jean Officer Cadets Dine with Québec City Chapter Ex-Cadets at Annual Gala Dinner

Last month during the RMC Club Québec Chapter Annual Gala myself, Officer Cadet André, along with fellow Cadets Bobu, Dagg, and Robidoux, had the opportunity to meet several former Military Colleges officers, learn more about their background and career, and...
Battlefield Tour Gravestones | RMC Foundations

Prepping for The Battlefields

In preparation for this year’s 2020 Mottershead Battlefield tour, I, as well as the rest of the individuals who will be embarking this adventure, have been partaking in multiple activities in order to ready ourselves for what we will see...

Civil Engineering Students Win People’s Choice Award

The Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race This past weekend, twelve engineering students participated in the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race design competition in Toronto. Universities from all across Canada traveled to Toronto in order to participate in the competition, which...

The Journey of a Champion

The Journey of a Champion:  Officer Cadet 29199 Hannah Lee and her quest for Gold What makes a Champion? Is it how many hours you log training? Is it a show of your determination? Is it how much you are...