Combat Weapons Team Seeks 2024/2025 Funding

The Combat Weapons Team wishes to thank the Classes of 1958 and 1964 for their support in 2023.  The team is now looking for support for the 2024/2025 season.

What does the RMC Combat Weapons Team do?

The purpose of the Combat Weapons Team is to teach Cadets basic to advanced fighting drills with the C7 rifle, C8 carbine, Browning 9mm pistol, and Remington 12 gauge shotgun, and how to effectively coach other soldiers and sailors on these drills. The skills taught by the Combat Arms Team Instructors include various fighting stances, tactical reloading, weapon transitioning, fire and movement, multiple target engagement, and reaction engagements. The techniques learned will be used to compete in, and win, two and three gun matches against other teams.

How does the Combat Weapons Team fit in with Military Training at RMC?

The Combat Weapons Team serves to benefit the Royal Military College’s image as a result of the professional training that it offers. Not only does it promote a higher standard of competence with weapons, which is something that can be respected by future subordinates, but it also promotes the passing on of these skills. The Royal Military College is an institution that is designed to nurture and empower future leaders of the Canadian Armed Forces, and this overarching intent is matched by the Combat Weapons Team’s intent to coach and mentor not only members of the Team, but other members of the College as opportunities to do so present themselves. Moreover, the competitions that the Team trains to attend places participants in a stressful environment wherein they are expected to perform at the highest level. This, in fact, models the abilities that the Canadian Armed Forces desires of its serving members.

Why does the Combat Weapons Team need your support?

The Combat Weapons Team is active in becoming involved in competitions that are held both within the Eastern Ontario area by civilian leagues, and competitions held internationally by the three United States Military Academies. The Team believes that these competitions are the best way to test what a Cadet has learned, since they simulate the types of skills required in actual combat. Therefore, competing at a wide array of military-style competitions is an important part of the Team’s intent moving forward.

Consider supporting the Combat Weapons Team by donating to our Military Training Fund

Related news article:  Top shooter of RMC Combat Weapons Team wins at international competition

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