As You Set Forth – Message to the Graduating Class of 2024 from Your Alumni Association

On behalf of the Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association, it is with great pride and excitement that I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you and your fellow graduates of the Class of 2024.

As the Chairman of the Alumni Association, I am privileged to witness the remarkable achievements and dedication demonstrated by the graduates of our esteemed institution. Your journey at RMC and RMCSJ has undoubtedly been one of rigorous academic pursuits, leadership development, and personal growth. Today marks the culmination of years of hard work, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

As you embark on the next chapter of your lives, I encourage you to carry forward the values instilled in you during your time at RMC and RMCSJ. Let the principles of integrity, honour, and service guide your actions as you venture into the world as leaders, both within the military and beyond.

Remember that you are now part of a distinguished lineage of RMC alumni who have made significant contributions to society, both nationally and globally. As you step into your roles as officers and leaders, know that the RMC community stands behind you, offering support, guidance, and camaraderie.

While today marks the end of one chapter, it also signals the beginning of a new and exciting journey. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead with courage, resilience, and a steadfast determination to make a positive impact in everything you do.

As you celebrate this momentous occasion with your loved ones, take pride in your accomplishments and the indelible mark you have left on RMC and RMCSJ. May your future be filled with continued success, fulfillment, and endless opportunities.

Once again, congratulations, Class of 2024! You have made us proud, and we eagerly anticipate the incredible contributions you will make to our world.


With warmest regards,

George Lundy, CMR RMC 1990

Chairperson, RMC Alumni Association Board of Directors.

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